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Automotive Service Ads to Increase your RO

Business owners are always looking for ways to market to both existing customers and potential customers. Dealership parts and service departments and even the body shop are no different. Although the departments are all part of a larger entity, they must get the marketing attention necessary to maintain overall dealership retention.

A marketing plan geared to these service customers creates a presence in their space. It keeps them aware that you are there to take care of their service needs. After all, if you’re not making them aware of your services, somebody else will certainly be making them aware of theirs.

Your target customers get loads of marketing from other dealerships, repair shops, and quick lubes. So it is critical to run ads specifically for the dealership’s service department that reach the right customers.

Platforms for running ads

Radio, television, and other traditional marketing channels are still effective mediums for auto repair shops, but these often fall on a widespread audience. Be as targeted with your marketing strategy as possible. Some more targeted marketing ideas to explore would be social media and pay-per-click ads (PPC). Both of these tools increase search engine optimization and lead generation.   

There is traditional direct mail for auto service. But this can still land on an unspecified set of customers. However, TVI MarketPro3 uses what we call intelligent mail. Intelligent mail is heavily reliant on segmentation. Unlike mass mail, we do cyclic targeted marketing for the service departments and the industry in general.  

Automotive Service Ads to Increase your RO

Other advertising ideas to consider for auto repair marketing are texting and emailing. Both have a direct customer reach, but an intentional, targeted approach in these efforts will always be more effective in reaching potential customers.


How often should ads be run or mailed

Plan out your auto shop marketing annually, biannually, quarterly, and monthly to be consistent. Many aftermarket shop owners do seasonal mailers and email campaigns. Dealerships often do these every quarter, and incidental campaigns such as grand openings are run intermittently throughout the year.

TVI MarketPro3 uses segmentation to follow the customer life cycle and strives to deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time. Dealerships typically do the campaigns every single month. They just hit a different target audience with each monthly campaign. This approach is more cost-effective as you know your ad is landing in the hands of a specific person.

Service ads that entice

Recurring maintenance reminders of oil changes and tire rotations are a great way to captivate an audience. These services are necessities, so getting yourself in front of the customer before the service is due is a great time to present related offers.

Seasonal value-added offers grab the attention. Heading into winter? Place or mail an ad to remind people you sell wiper blades and make sure their washer systems are up to date. Perhaps add a tire check, so the customer feels confident they are in good shape.

To any of the above offers, consider adding a special for additional services. An example of this is an offer for 25% off any repair service you do the same day you come in. When a customer comes in and needs additional work, the service advisor can apply the coupon; a very appealing offer to customers.

Consider distributing a convenience offer. Offer a free loaner car for a repair over a defined price limit if completed on the same day of arrival. The customer is much more likely to take you up on the repair if they can go about their day.

Every dealer should be marketing recalls to their customers. These ads inform the customer of the needed recall and let them know you are ready and able to take care of the problem.


If you’re hoping your dealership’s sales department will be enough to grow your repair order count, you’re likely making a grave mistake. Customers need to be reminded of your service department consistently if you want them to consider you for their vehicle service needs. Be sure your fixed ops advertisement is created to meet your RO goals.

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