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Direct Mail for Dealership Service Departments

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Dealership Direct Mail for Service

Many traditional marketing methods have fallen by the wayside, but direct mail still takes up prominent real estate in customers’ mailboxes. Business owners often forget the impact of direct mail in our increasingly digital world. But many are surprised to learn direct mail still packs a punch as a marketing tool. It even outperforms the many digital options businesses have when it comes to marketing response rates. Direct mail may not be the junk that many people presume it to be.

Dealership Direct Mail for the Service Department

Forbes reports that while there has been a decline in the response rate for direct mail over the last decade, it’s still a powerful marketing form. In its response rate report, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) analyzed direct mail marketing data. They found direct mail achieves a 4.4% response rate, an impressive outcome compared to 0.12% for email.

 A targeted approach

Direct mail is only as valuable as the customer receiving it, so send your marketing to customers you believe will utilize your services. Mailing to the most targeted list possible is the most cost-effective way to attract customers through a mail marketing campaign. 

TVI MarketPro3 processes roughly 700,000 mailers per month. Companies deliver these mailers to a list of customers created by merging specific data sources. By using multiple data sources, the mail isn’t cast out blindly over a wide area. Instead, we narrow customer lists by vehicle type, customer type, location, and upcoming services needed. This way, companies know they are sending each piece to an audience that is more likely to respond.


A stand-out flyer

In the automotive industry, marketing can get overwhelming with the amount of information that dealerships include. They also like to use a lot of extra elements like call-outs, starbursts, and bright colors. All these added bits of design and information interfere with the offer dealers hope will entice their customers to visit. It also cheapens the overall look and makes it seem less professional and more gimmicky.

These added design elements can often distract from your message. Customers are looking for a clear, easy-to-read message and the easiest way to reach your call center. Too many added elements can cause them to work too hard to get the info they need.


Make sure the service meets the mail.

If a mail piece is successful, it’ll be up to the dealership to ensure the customer has a great experience and wants to return. Once a customer walks into the service drive, the advisor takes the reins. They must cater to the customer and make them feel welcome. 

If it is their first time in the dealership, the advisor should take the time to show the amenities, offer them a beverage, and show them where the restrooms are. Be sure your dealership is providing five-star service. While the mailer gets them through the door, it is up to the service team to clinch the return visits.



Automotive dealerships should recognize direct mail’s effectiveness when working to attract sales customers, but this form of marketing can also produce a nice return on investment for dealership service departments. While direct mail campaigns may not be the top dog in marketing trends, they are still a marketing strategy dealerships should use to sell more cars and change more oil.

Visit TVI MarketPro3 for more expert advice on dealership direct mail.

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